Saturday 3 September 2011

Reflections-(22nd August 2011 -31st August 2011)
One basic understanding I got from this module, we don’t teach children Mathematics, we get children to realize what the magic of  mathematics is all about. In this six sessions I learnt the following concepts:
Ø  Numbers are learnt through rote counting, rational counting, cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, nominal numbers and measuring numbers.
Ø  There four types of counting and they are classify, rote counting, one tone correspondence and lastly uttering the last number of appreciation.
Ø  Methods of counting are count all, count on and communicate property of addition.
Ø  During counting initially give children only identical set(easily perceived), then differentiate it by property.
Ø  Pattern always have a rule and a term.
Ø  A place has value example, when you put (two)‘2’7 here it takes the place of a ‘tenth’ place.
Ø  There many methods of conducting mathematics for young children and teachers should not insist on only method. Schools have many readiness programme to assist children who have difficulty in learning and they are “LSP”, Learning Support Programme and “LSM”, Learning Support Mathematics. There are approximately 10 children in a class and these children can be discharge from the programme after passing the test. These programme are conducted during school curriculum hours but in a small group.
Ø  How to attempt questions in a slow, systematic way, reading and trying to understand the language behind the problem and solving it by using model drawing was an eye opener to me who is very weak in mathematics. I am currently trying that with my children at home.
Ø  We did measurement of floors, (how high is the storey) at the MRT station and our group decided that we will count the steps that total up to 62 steps and multiple by 14cm which is the height of the floor. It was a good hands on experience and everybody were excited moving around and trying to get their answers right in a right way.
Ø  The “mini” activities done in the classroom was fun and makes you think in very different way of looking at mathematics, many friends were observed to have attempt the questions differently and maybe this is how young children look at mathematics,(very differently).
Ø  Getting pegs as encouragement was a pleasure and using the pegs as lesson was entertaining.
Ø  However to me personally I find it very difficult to do most of activity sheets, (quizzes) that were given in classroom. I felt lost and I am still feeling lost as I AM NOT CUT OUT FOR MATHEMATICS AT ALL!!!
Basically I will try to put more effort in teaching children mathematics in the future and make them fun as well. I am still sourcing ways to make myself enjoy mathematics. 

Sunday 21 August 2011

EDU 330 Elementary Mathematics
Name : K.Laximi Kunalan
My Reflection (Chapters 1 & 2)
To be an effective teacher one should have knowledge of mathematics and know how children learn mathematics. Our decisions as an educarer will affect children’s understanding of mathematics.
There are six principles in mathematics and they are:
·      Equity Principle- All children should be given the opportunity to learn.
·      Curriculum Principle- Children will understand that mathematics stands as a whole.
·      Teaching Principle- Teachers share their experiences by understanding mathematics, knowing the children that they are teaching and using the various techniques where appropriate.
·      Learning Principle- Learning with thinking and reasoning ability.
·      Assessment Principle- There should be ongoing observation, evaluation, feedback, making connections and decisions.
·      Technology Principle- Enhances children’s learning. It gives new ideas and strategies.
Basically, sad to say mathematics has never been my favorite subject. Most, of the time I was always left to ponder on a problem all alone during my childhood days. Not much support as compared to the teaching principle. I feel that teachers should be flexible towards children’s needs and try to cater and make changes accordingly to each child. Children on the other hand should come to a term that mathematics is a connection of all other subject areas.
In a mathematics classroom environment not only there are resources but both the teacher and the children have made connections to produce answers to ideas they might have formulated.
Teachers should have passion towards mathematics and slowly build the same emotion in children.  There’s no one theory that can reflect mathematical learning. Piaget talks about taking in information and adopting it to make further relation. Vygotsky relates to approximate level of developing the children’s potential
Children must be encouraged to use multiple approaches, learn from mistake, try out new ideas and respect each and other’s decision.